Configure Account

Set up your account to easily use ListenRobo in your apps

Before diving into programmatically using the ListenRobo API, it’s important to make sure your ListenRobo account is properly configured. This ensures the best experience integrating speech-to-text and leveraging our platform.

Create ListenRobo Account

You’ll first need to sign-up on ListenRobo platform. Signup only takes a few minutes. You can sign-up via Google or email to create an account.

Get your API Key

  1. Log into your ListenRobo account
  2. Navigate to “API Key” under account settings
  3. Enable API
  4. Enter a domain name
  5. Click “Create Key” and your new unique API key will be generated

Want to try before you buy? ListenRobo offers an free online speech recognition tool allowing you to transcribe audio to text at no cost whatsoever. Try Now

Hurraayy 🥳 Now you are all set, let’s dive in…🏄